5 floor game ideas for babies and children

There are many activities we can do outdoors to enjoy nature as a family with our little ones.

Here are some fun activity ideas you can do with your Tombarella mats outdoors.

What is floor play?

Floor play refers to activities and games that take place directly on the floor, without the need for using furniture or elevated structures.

It is a form of play that allows children to interact with their environment in a free and natural manner, developing motor, cognitive, and social skills.

Floor play can include crawling, rolling, exploring objects, playing with toys, engaging in sensory activities, and much more.

It is a fun and enriching way for children to explore and learn about the world around them.

5 Floor Play Activities for Babies and Children

Discovering Shapes in the Clouds

The cloud is a perfect canvas for imagining fun and creative shapes. Take advantage of the softness and comfort of your Tombarella mat to lie down and gaze at the clouds in the sky, and together, create stories and discover shapes in the clouds.

Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course in your garden or a spacious room in your home. Use your Tombarella mat to create a jumping station or a climbing station, a balance station, a ball-throwing station, and much more.

The mat is an excellent addition to any home obstacle course as it provides a soft and safe surface for jumping and landing.

Board Game

Create your own board game on the mat, such as a game of Parcheesi or Snakes and Ladders.

Use blocks to create the game path, and then let players roll the dice and move along the path.

The mat provides a comfortable space to sit and play, and it can also be a soft and safe playing surface for younger children to move and play.

Outdoor Picnic

Why not enjoy an outdoor picnic with your Tombarella?

Spread it out in the park or at the beach and have a picnic. The mat is large enough for everyone to sit together and enjoy a good meal outdoors.

Dance Game

Create a dance space in your home and use the mat as a soft dance floor.

Play music and let the children dance and move freely.

The mat is large enough for children to move comfortably and safely.

Children’s Mats: An Ideal Addition to Floor Play

Children’s mats are an ideal addition to floor play as they provide a soft and cushioned surface that offers comfort and safety for children during their activities.

One of the advantages of mats is that they provide a defined and secure space for children to play and move freely.

The vibrant colors and fun designs of the mats stimulate children’s imagination and creativity, turning floor play into a world of adventures.

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Make the most of your mat and have the maximum fun!