Discover how to stimulate your baby’s development: games for babies 6 to 12 months

Play and stimulation are fundamental to the baby’s developmental process.

Through play, babies learn and develop physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills.

In this article, we will present different types of games and activities for babies aged 6 to 12 months.

Children’s games with babies

Games for 6 month old babies

At 6 months old, babies are in a stage of sensory exploration. Some recommended games for this age are:

  • Sensory exploration: Provide the baby with different objects of various textures, sizes, and shapes for them to touch and explore with their hands and mouth.
  • Sound games: Play with toys that emit soft sounds to stimulate the baby’s sense of hearing.
  • Light games: Provide toys with blinking lights to stimulate the baby’s sense of sight.
  • Touch games: Provide toys with different textures, shapes, and sizes for the baby to grasp and explore with their hands.

Games for babies aged 7 to 9 months

Games for babies aged 7 to 9 months:

  • Imitation games: Mimic the sounds and actions that the baby makes to stimulate their imitation skills.
  • Movement games: Provide a safe space for the baby to crawl, roll, and crawl to stimulate their physical development.
  • Water games: Provide a container with water and toys for the baby to explore and play with.
  • Block games: Provide blocks of different sizes and shapes for the baby to stack and knock down.

Games for babies aged 10 to 12 months

Babies aged 10 to 12 months are in a stage of stacking and hiding objects. Some recommended games for this age are:

  • Lacing games: Provide toys with holes for the baby to lace pieces and develop hand-eye coordination.
  • Stacking games: Provide blocks of different sizes and shapes for the baby to stack and develop motor coordination.
  • Hide-and-seek games: Hide toys and objects for the baby to search and find.
  • Music games: Provide toy instruments and sing songs to stimulate the baby’s auditory development.

Activities to do with babies aged 6 to 12 months

In addition to games, there are activities that can be done with babies to stimulate their development. Some of these activities include:

  • Stimulation exercises: Perform gentle stretching exercises and massages to stimulate the baby’s physical development.
  • Massage games: Give massages to the baby’s legs, arms, and back to stimulate their sensory development and promote relaxation.

The use of play mats for babies

Baby play mats are a useful tool for promoting early development in children. These mats are typically soft and padded, making them safe and comfortable for babies to explore and play on.

In addition, baby play mats often come with a variety of toys and accessories that stimulate the baby’s senses and promote hand-eye coordination.

Baby play mats can also be a helpful way for parents to keep their babies contained and entertained while they attend to other tasks.

By providing a safe and stimulating space for babies to play, play mats can help reduce stress and anxiety for both the baby and the parents.

Tips for stimulating babies

  • The importance of communication: Talking to the baby, responding to their sounds and gestures, and providing individualized attention helps develop their communication and language skills.
  • How to foster cognitive development: Providing appropriate stimuli according to the baby’s level of development, including toys and activities that challenge their thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • The importance of quality time: Spending quality time with the baby, providing them with attention, affection, and appropriate stimuli, is crucial for their emotional and social development.

Play and stimulation are fundamental in the development of babies, and there are numerous games and activities that can be done to stimulate their physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Additionally, it is important to provide them with quality time and individualized attention to help them develop their communication and emotional skills.

Baby play mats can also be a useful resource to stimulate their sensory and motor development.