Buy large crawling mat

As they grow, babies go through various stages that are overcome through constant growth and the right stimulation. Undoubtedly, the most important and easiest stimulus for the growth of babies between 0 and 12 months revolves around placing them on the floor for certain periods of time, which can become longer and longer.

Why buy a large crawling mat?

Why buy a large crawling mat?

As they grow, babies go through various stages that are overcome through constant growth and the right stimulation. Undoubtedly, the most important and easiest stimulus for the growth of babies between 0 and 12 months revolves around placing them on the floor for certain periods of time, which can become longer and longer.

For this reason, it is best to buy a large, comfortable rug from the start. During the first few months, it may seem like a giant rug, but as the baby becomes more independent, he or she will even want to get out of the rug to crawl on the floor. Without a doubt, thinking about buying a large crawling mat is the best way to go.

Advantages of large crawling mats

Advantages of large crawling mats

From Tombarella, we can assure you that the best option to choose between a large or small mat is the larger one, no matter how small the baby is. When your little one starts to sit up, crawl and crawl a small mat will be insufficient to cover his mobility and he will go straight to the floor. Large mats are the best option.

The advantages of large mats are many and one of the most obvious is the space they provide so that the whole family can get together to play comfortably with the baby. Among many others such as:

●      They offer freedom of movement for baby in his most active growth stage, just as he is learning to sit up, crawl and walk.

●      They represent an excellent option for children of different ages. Providing a surface on which they can experiment, play and be physically active without risk of injury or shock.

●      They represent a wider canvas for displaying sensory details, shapes, patterns and colours to stimulate babies’ attention, creativity, senses and accuracy as they grow.

The importance of having a large space

The importance of having a large space

Tombarella mats offer a spacious, safe and firm space that will accompany your baby in his first discoveries. He will spend many hours comfortably playing, making his first movements and developing freely, without barriers or interference.

As they grow, babies go through various stages that are overcome through constant growth and thanks to the right stimuli.

For this reason, at Tombarella we advise you to buy a large and comfortable rug from the very beginning. During the first few months it may seem like a giant rug, but as your baby becomes more independent, he or she will even want to get out of the rug and crawl on the floor.

In addition, the mats provide total safety for the little ones because they reduce noise levels and impacts against the surface, protecting them from falls and bumps.

Is it advisable to buy a large crawling carpet for a small living room?

Is it advisable to buy a large crawling carpet for a small living room?

If we think of an XL crawling rug made of cotton or other similar fabric, it may seem like an inauspicious idea. However, there are other types of large rugs that can be made to fit the space available.

Proof of this is provided by rugs made of EVA rubber, a super-soft, non-toxic, odourless and colourful type of foam that will stimulate the little ones’ senses.

These puzzle-style mats are super easy to clean and store and have the peculiar feature that they can be assembled and disassembled whenever required and depending on the space available, as they have teeth that fit together to ensure a secure grip.

Crawling mats, better big or small?

Crawling mats, better big or small?

It is a very versatile mat that offers multiple possibilities: when the baby is small we will have a space where he will begin to discover the world, make his first movements and develop with total freedom. When the baby becomes a toddler, we will have a perfect corner for quiet games such as construction or puzzles, a space for reading or relaxing, and they will even be able to practice somersaults!

Mats to share

Tombarella play mats offer a large and safe space, ideal for sharing and spending time playing with friends, family or siblings.

Games and activities for large mats

Physical motor development activities: A large, firm mat allows for these activities to be carried out comfortably and safely for children.

Quiet games for exploration and investigation: Having a large, comfortable space can be very useful for relaxation, investigation, and spending time on activities such as quiet games. Some examples of these activities could be building games, puzzles or symbolic play. Turn your play mat into a desert island, a boat and explore limitless play.

Create a reading corner: Choose a rug with a pattern he likes so that he can lie down or sit quietly and delve into his favourite stories. This will create an attractive, inviting, comfortable and safe reading space.


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